RFID TAG Manufacturers

Xerafy Platinum Metal Skin Label (US)

General description of the Xerafy Platinum Metal Skin Label (US). In order to easily find the best RFID tags for your applications by defining many tag characteristics at a time, please go to the RFID Tag Search page.

Xerafy Platinum Metal Skin Label USThe Xerafy Platinum Metal Skin is a compact UHF RFID label designed for affordable yet reliable tracking and product authentication of both metallic and non-metallic items. The label can be printed and encoded by end-users with standard UHF RFID printers from Datamax-O'Neil, SATO, Zebra Technologies. The Platinum Metal Skin measures 58 mm x 19 mm and, among the other members of the Xerafy Metal Skin series, represents a mid-size/mid-read-range product providing read range up to 2 meters on metal and 1.2 meters on non-metallic surfaces. This small UHF label for all surfaces allows easy and cost-effective tracking and inventory of a wide variety of goods such as warehouses, cosmetics, fragrances, bottles and other containers filled with liquids, foil-based packaging, computers, laptops and other electronic equipment. The Alien Technology Higgs-4 chip offers up to 128 bits of user memory, 128 bits of additional user-programmable memory and a 64-bit unique and unalterable tag ID. The Platinum Metal Skin can be delivered already encoded and printed with custom text, logos, numbers and barcodes. This product version is specifically optimized to work at 902-928 MHz (Americas, China, Japan).