The ISO 18000-3 Mode 2 RFID tags are specifically optimized for applications where large populations of tagged items need to be quickly and accurately identified..

Available as dry inlays, transparent or paper labels, the SMP11 are extremely small, multi-purpose ISO 18000-3 Mode 2 RFID tags suitable for applications where tagged items are very small and closely spaced. The minimum separation between two tags’ antennas has to be 1.6 mm.

The MMP10 are ISO 18000-3 Mode 2 RFID tags designed for a broad range of small item tagging applications. The Phase Jitter Modulation (PJM) technology allows for fast and reliable reads when tags are in close proximity. The minimum distance between two tags’ antennas should not be less than 1.5 mm in order to get accurate reads. The MMP10 are available in dry inlay, transparent label and paper label format.

The LMP7 are general purpose RFID tags suitable for a number of high tag-density, item-level tagging applications. The minimum separation between two tags has to be 3.5 mm. Also the LMP7 can be delivered as dry inlays, transparent or paper labels.

The MAG5 Transparent and Paper Labels are expressly designed for use with the Insight Magazine Reader. These ISO 18000-3 Mode 2 RFID tags are also an excellent choice for magazine and stacked document tagging. The minimum separation between two tags to be read is extremely small: 0.9 mm.
The DIA3 are ISO 18000-3 RFID tags designed for quick and easy tracking and inventory of diamonds, gems, pearls and other jewelry items. With a required minimum separation between two tags’ antennas of 1.3 mm for excellent read performance, these tags provide high accuracy also when hundreds of small tagged items are close-set or stacked. Available as transparent and paper labels.

Providing exceptional read performance when attached on single, stacked paper sheets, the DOC3 RFID tags are a perfect solution for document tracking applications. The minimum separation between two tags’ antennas is just 0.1 mm. These products are available as transparent labels...

General-purpose ISO 18000-3 Mode 2 RFID tags, the CC5 are well suited to a wide range of item-level applications where tag density is high. The minimum space between close-set tags has to be at least 3.4 mm to achieve optimal read performance. Available as transparent and paper labels...
Please contact us for information on the above ISO 18000-3 Mode 2 RFID tags.