We at VeryFields are always willing to promote associations and activities that help RFID market to grow and today we are proud of hosting a blog post from Savi Technology:.
Low-power wireless technologies, like RFID, are on the verge of a productivity revolution at home and work.
At Savi Technology, we’re challenging industry developers to come up with the best wireless apps to improve the quality of life around us. Maybe it’s about finding your lost keys or missing child. Maybe it’s remotely monitoring the moisture in your lawn, smog indexes or electricity consumed in a facility. Maybe it’s around remotely capturing information from digital ads.
No idea is too imaginative, as long as it has practical and productive applications. We thank VeryFields for helping us to get the word out to the developer community about our contest that we’re calling, Project Volcano.
Project Volcano will run until Dec. 15. A panel of judges from Savi Technology’s leadership will evaluate the best ideas based on creativity, practical real-world scenarios and end-user benefits. Just register here, and send us a 100-word proposal for long-range, low-power solutions based on DASH7 technology for low-power Radio Frequency applications. Spot Prizes and a Grand Prize include Savi’s developer tools and platform.
Together, we can marshal the power of DASH7 and help to improve the world. Good luck with the contest!